Promote your pet store, veterinary clinic or dog training classes and use the Hama – WordPress, Bootstrap, WooCommerce Theme. Start your own online store for merchandise, pet food, pet toys, etc. The Hama theme is designed for Pet Stores, Vets, Animal Shelters, Dog Trainers, Cat Trainers and Pet Caretakers, but with some new illustrations you can also remove the pets and replace them with something else, eg: kids in a playground for a care center or playgroup.
Thank you for purchasing my theme. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email me via my email:
Thanks so much!
To use Hama, you need to have a WordPress 4.9 (or higher version) site with PHP 5.4 or more running on your hosting server. If you’ve already installed WordPress on your server and your site is up, that’s great. For help regarding WordPress installation, please see this WordPress Codex link. To learn about some important stuff you should do after installing WordPress.
Some more resources from WordPress Codex:
Sometimes you may encounter problems like:
The main reason may be that your host config is not suitable, you can check the following parameters in your host config file (ini.php)
This theme has been developed only for WordPress 4.9 or higher versions. So, you need to install WP before you can use this theme. Please see the CMS installation process. Here you can find the documentation : WordPress Codex – Installing WordPress
To install the Hama theme. You need the latest version of WordPress. Here is the download URL. Once you downloaded and set it up, You are ready to go.
You can install this theme in two ways:
Step 1. Download ZIP package from Themeforest and unzip it.
Step 2. In unzipped folder you will find a folder named "Hama WP Theme" and 1 archives: "" file
Step 3. In your WordPress Dashboard navigate to Appearance > Themes.
Step 4. Click on Add New, then clicking on Upload Theme and browse the file, finally click Install Now.
Step 5. Wait a while untill the screenshot below appears, on this form clicking on Activate link to active Hama Theme. Theme has been installed and actived.
Step 1. Download ZIP package file from Themeforest and unzip it.
Step 2. In unzipped folder you will find a folder named "Hama WP Theme" and archive in it: "" file. Unzip "" one more time.
Step 3. Simply upload the unzipped "Hama WP Theme" folder to /wp-content/themes/ folder on your server via FTP.
Step 4. Login to your Dashboard, go to Appearance/Themes menu and active Appearance theme
Hama theme required and recommended the following plugins:
After install Hama theme you will be noticed to install required plugins, just follow the instruction you will get all set.
The installation process may take a while on some hosts, so please be patient. All installations have been completed. Scolling down and click on the link "Return to Required Plugins Inslaller" to activate those installed plugins.
Return to the Dashboard after all plugins have been activated.
All needed installation have done. Follow next steps if you want to install sample data like our demo website.
If you're using the theme to build a new website which doesn't have content yet, I strongly recommend you to use the demo content files. This theme includes xml data files which will allow you to upload the demo content to your website. The content is the same as in the Live Demo Preview.
To import sample data. On WordPress Dashboard you select Theme Option -> Import Demo Content
Continuous Click Import Now or Import Without Media button
On Popup lightbox select OK to start then waiting a moment while import sample data
All done! Have Fun -> Import Sample Data is Success!
In case you can not import after checking the config host as we instructed (link). You can use the Import Without Media feature. You can then use the WordPress Importer plugin to import the media.xml file in the data-import/data/media.xml theme folder.
# General: used to setting header, footer and page 404 error default for your website
# Breadcrumb: used to show/hide breadcrumb and setting style for breadcrumb
# Preload:used to show/hide preload and setting style for preload
# Other:used to
# General: used to
# List Settings:used to configuration crop thumbnail size and select post list item style for blog page
# Grid Settings:used to configuration crop thumbnail size and select post grid item style for blog page
# Post detail Settings:used to configuration setting for single post
# General: used to
# List Settings:used to configuration crop thumbnail size and select product list item style for shop page
# Grid Settings:used to configuration crop thumbnail size and select product grid item style for shop page
WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer) is a unique plugin, it will help you manage your content at the WordPress sites and create stunning layouts in few minutes without coding. Nowadays many websites have complex grid layouts with columns, tabs, sliders and etc. In the past, to create that type of layouts you should be HTML guru or Shortcodes operator ninja.
But not anymore! Visual Composer is to create and manage complex layouts combined with professionally designed plugins made easy!
Note:WPBakery Page Builder(Visual composer) has been integrated in our theme. You can be using the plugin and do not need to buy a license. We will update the latest plugin version via the update theme version
Tab General Settings: used to setting header, footer, sidebar, append content before and affter, show/hide title and social network sharing for each page/post/product
Tab Custom Color: used to setting background and main color for each page/post/product.
Tab Display & Style: used to select style display and edit width of page container for each page/post/product
Product Tab Setting: used to add more tab for page product detail
Product Tab View:
Product Type: used to set trending for current product and add more image thumbnail on hover product
Advertisement used to create banner include image,text and custom link with multiple effect aimation very beautiful
Advertisement Setting:
Advertisement View:
Banner Slider used to create banner slider include image,document text and custom link
Banner Slider Setting:
Banner Slider Item Setting:
Banner Slider View:
Blog used to get list recent post by multiple format style for blog pages
Blog Setting:
Blog View:
Carousel Slider used to create carousel slider support reponsive by multiple format style
Carousel Slider Setting:
Carousel Slider Item Setting:
Carousel Slider View:
Custom Link used to create list link include image,icon font or text with multiple style effect on hover
Custom Link Setting:
Custom Link View
Google Map used to create custom interface map for contact page
Google Map support eleven style formatting
Logo used to upload logo image or change logo content text for your site
Logo Setting:
Logo View:
*Note:When you want to change logo, you need opened header page at editting status then change setting element logo
Mailchimp used to create mailchimp newsletter
Mailchimp Setting:
Mailchimp View:
Menu used to create main menu for your web with multiple style
Menu Setting:
Menu View:
Mini Cart used to show WordPress mini cart box
Mini Cart Setting:
Mini Cart View:
Post used to get list post by multiple format style
Post Setting:
Post View:
Product used to get list WooCommerce product by multiple format style
Product Setting:
Product View:
Instagram used to get list instagram images follow user name
Instagram Setting:
Instagram View:
Search Form used to create smart search form for product,post or all
Search Form Setting:
Search Form View:
Shop used to get list WooCommerce product by multiple style for shop page
Shop Setting:
Shop View:
Tabs used to create list tab
Tabs Setting:
Tabs View:
Information used to create block information introduction by multiple format style
Information Setting:
Information View:
List Post used to get list recent post by limited number
List Product used to get list product follow multiple product type by limited number
Attribute Filter used to create widget filter product by attributes
Categories Filter used to create widget filter product by categories
I would like to thank the following providers. This theme would not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of all of them.
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 1:Login Hama's forum by your account
Step 2:Create new topic
Step 1:Install Plugin Loco Translate
Step 2:
Step 3:
If you face any problems with the installation or customization of our product please do not hesitate to contact us via comment on ThemeForest or send your question to our email:
We have done a ton of work to make our template very easy in configuration, updating and customization, please rate it with hight star if possible (on the downloads page). Good mark will be appreciated.
Thank you.
Wish you success.